
Kulturarchiv Oberengadin, Zuoz

The Kulturarchiv Oberengadin is a public institution that collects documents on the culture of the Engadine and makes them available to the public. The Kulturarchiv Oberengadin was founded in 1988 as an association in order to become a repository for documents relating to Engadine history. The Kulturarchiv was created on a private initiative and the Verein Kulturarchiv Oberengadin is responsible for the institution. The Upper Engadin municipalities, canton, federal government, foundations and private individuals support the archive financially.

splendur e sumbriva


As part of the exhibition "Splendur e Sumbriva - Light and Shadow in the Engadin", the Upper Engadin Cultural Archive shows an exhibition of historical photographs of various villages in the Upper Engadin.

The special feature: The term "picture of light" is taken literally here. The pictures are hung up as negatives in a darkened room. Only when visitors illuminate the pictures with the flashlight function of their cell phones do they reveal their secret - but the dark appears light and the light appears dark. This delightful play with our perception invites us to reflect on image and likeness, light and shadow, splendur e sumbriva.

Sonderausstellung Licht – Spiel – Haus, ©Stephan Schenk
Sonderausstellung Licht – Spiel – Haus, ©Stephan Schenk